Skip to content Offers Ultra-low Service Fees and Many Freebies

Online merchant accounts can get expensive, especially if the credit card processor charges a fee for just about every service under the sun.  This is often the case with most merchant account providers, but not We are open and honest about our service fees, ranging from the merchant account application fee (which is free,…

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Accept Checks Anytime, Anywhere

While most people use plastic as their currency of choice, some customers still prefer paying for products and services by check. But what if you own an online business or a home-based business? With merchant accounts, entrepreneurs can now accept checks from their customers anytime, anywhere. In addition to credit card processing online,…

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Three Reasons to Open a Merchant Account with

Opening a credit card merchant account is easier said than done. Most credit card processors have strict requirements and do not accept applications from every type of business. High risk businesses and companies with poor credit scores in particular experience a difficult time getting approved for a merchant account; the entire process can be extremely…

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Find the Best Credit Card Terminal for Your Business

When it comes to face-to-face credit card processing, businesses need the right kind of credit card terminal to efficiently process credit and debit card payments on location. One of the most advanced credit card terminals on the market today is the electronic keypad terminal offered by An electronic keypad terminal is efficient, easy-to-use, and…

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Enjoy a Safe, Easy, and Compatible Payment Gateway

Not every payment gateway is created equal. In fact, some software might not be compatible with your website or secure enough for your online shoppers.  Before you open an ecommerce merchant account with just any payment gateway provider, find software that is easy-to-use, secure, and compatible with your online shopping cart. Small business credit card…

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Accept Payments by Phone the Easy Way

As an online business owner, your job is to make it easy for your customers to purchase your products and payments online. This means offering a wide range of payment options, from credit cards via the web to payments over the phone. While most customers prefer paying for products and services straight through a website,…

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How to Accept Credit Cards on Your Website

If you own an online business, it’s imperative to offer your customers the choice to pay for your products and services via credit card. The ability to accept credit cards online benefits not only your customers, but also your business — accept credit cards on your website and watch your sales increase by 50 to…

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Merchant Services? We’ve Got You Covered

To keep pushing ahead in 2013, your business needs to be able to accept credit cards. There is no way around it; the popularity of the plastic way just continues to grow. Be smart and don’t let your business be sidetracked because of intransigence. When the moment calls for you to adapt, make the leap…

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Capture the Mobile Market

Mobile credit card processing, like mobile business in general, is all the rage right now. You need to look no further than your account books to realize that the mobile customer is one that you cannot afford to ignore. Reach all the customers that want what you’re selling, and make it easy for them to…

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Merchant Services that Keep You on Track

Move on to better merchant services, the ones you and your business really deserve. We know that in today’s fierce market, you have to do business just about everywhere imaginable, but getting to where your customers are does not have to be a harder proposition than it is. Let us provide the seamless tools you…

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